The last words of the dying, or the first of the dead.

Thought for the day:

"The snow has gone from Chung-nan; spring is almost come.
Lovely in the distance its blue colors, against the brown of the streets.
A thousand coaches, ten thousand horsemen pass down the Nine Roads;
Turns his head and looks at the mountains,--not one man!" - Po Chü-i (772-846)

That poem stirs something deeply within me. One must open one's eyes before the dawning can begin.

For the first time in years, I am taking to the road alone, to lie at the edge of a swamp, amidst alligators. My thoughts will slow to the rhythm of rain in Florida.

Herbie is a new dad. Congratulations!

Have an expansive twilight!


Anonymous said…
Thanks, Dan. You have to come and visit her sometime. She would prefer you come over about 3 am, so you can change a diaper, and if all possible, feed her so Nichole and I can sleep. No, I am begging, PLEASE!!!!!!


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