Oh, my head. I have the absolute worst headache, seemingly emanating from everywhere at once. Ah.
Anyhoo, i have been a busy bee lately, just not a very productive bee.
Yesterday i completed my 25th circuit of the sun and launched, undaunted, into my 26th. To mark this significant event, we all went to the Olive Garden and had a good time, probably the most fun i've had on my birthday ever. Then Sarah came over and we fell asleep until about 2:30. She got me a Simpson's shirt and a William Faulkner book and i thought they were both incredibly thoughtful and so i kissed her right where her eyebrows meet. Ha ha. Just kidding Sarah. And thank you.
We went to Chain O' Lakes State Park in Albion over the weekend too, Sarah and i, and had much fun. It's really been great with her, as i feel that we are just great friends in addition to boyfriend/girlfriend. There's never a dull moment. We went canoeing and hiking and did the usual camping fare, as well as spending long hours together in the tent when it rained. And we both got cool battle scars. To celebrate our limitless rugged enthusiasm we went to Captain D's and ate a bunch of fried stuff and then groaned home. Galluptious. And, on the other side of the coin, her side mostly, we went on Wednesday to see Rasputina, the cello band, at the Double Door in Chicago. They just rocked. With a few HUGE exceptions, Sarah has pretty good taste in music. :) And.

Journeys lead to untold destinations. The corn looks higher, the road stretches west. i wear my lethargy like a button.

i decided that i would work out and rode to school and then played basketball for an hour or so and then ran on the track then did crunches then took a shower then went to class and now i'm in the computer lab, having just finished my Writing Group story, with an empty stomach and a head full of nails and glass, full of deep grace. And dark beautiful songs swirl winddriven in my head, loud and reverberating reeking of blown emotion, but sweet, almost supplicant-simple.

And Herbie just broke up with his girlfriend and Adam has been recovering in many ways, but it's been fun, a panalopy of feeling, best told plangently.
Cubs game Wednesday. Groovy.


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