Sarah had the audacity to tell me that I needed to update!
Sarah! She updates 4 times this week and thinks she's cool? Well, it's actually been 4 times in the last 4 months or so. But I will anyway.
After my last post, which no one understood but I loved, it's been hard to think about writing linearly. It was about writing. And TV.
I'm so burned out. The birds are singing through the window. It's 10 'til 8 in the morning. They sound really great, the sun is on the wall. It suddenly feels like Spring.
I'm going back to Canada, Sarah and I are going to Canada. Tomorrow.
Dance. On lidded eyes. Swayundulationmovegroovedanceonliddedeyes!!!
I blow out the lamp And am left in the dark The dry summer breeze whines in the eaves You are my spark And I am at ease In the river the water runs fragrant with music In the darkness of twilight I see the leaves folding The acrid smoke rises in the dawn of the evening The lanterns sputter on The guitar is played The chill of the summer calls you to my arms Cause you were alone at the End of the day The chill of the summer The thrill of your eyes Humming a tune that rolls soundlessly by The echoes of thunder The spill of your smile Thunderheads broil in the gunmetal sky The sun falls behind a curtain of rain But we're not alone at the end In the river the waters roll fragrant with music Let's harmonize in love as we raft round the bend I wake from a desperate sleep Break the spirit chain The warm night breath smells of her My nightmares fall away Looking through the tombstone reflections Mocking clock that ticks and tocks I search for the spirit chain Smelling rain, turning earth Rebirth of the broken grin Rebirth of the lost inspiration Back to Canada on roads less used Guitars and dust float on my eyes Dust on my shoes Cumulonimbus skies
Wearytravelersfindeachother. Loners.
He walked through her fields Lingering wet Saw the bed where they danced Saw the road where they met
I met you on a different plain. We played together under streetlights.
It feels like sun.
The birds are on the wall.
I hear the spring through the window.
On a whim.
And then he said


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