I'm supposed to be typing a Lincoln review, and have never been more patently listless and unmotivated. For those of you not in the know, Rhonda and I went, on the absolute spur of the moment, to the Gulf of Mexico last Wednesday. We left at 2:09 in the morning. We had 8 dollars between us. We both had work and school the next day. We had no change of clothes. We had no toothbrushes or deoderant. All we had was an explosion of energy, a feeling of stagnation in our lives, and wanderlust so badly that it actually hurt me physically. I made some horrid decisions that have been well documented, but I have been dealing with those to the best of my ability. I don't want to deal with those now. I just want to deal with the fact that I came alive, I came so FUCKING alive that everything that seemed important, all of it, all the academic and monetary shit, was dumped right on its dirty unimportant head, and I lived life in self-actualization mode, in a dirty 5 dollar t-shirt, stomping to Neil, learning to drive a stick, eating Captain D's, smelling the soft air of an island in the Gulf of Mexico, and just falling in love with myself again. There is a rhythm in the earth, to echo the strains of my last post, and I followed it right into a wonderful waking dream that I've yet to break the spell of. Sometimes doors open up at the most improbable times and the receptive, if aware, can open them. Rhonda and I walked through such a door. I didn't realize that some people care a lot more for me than I gave them credit for, and I have tried my best to make things right. But as I've said, I didn't mean to hurt anyone. My road just took a decidedly strange turn, and I followed it down every illogical mile.


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