"Inebriate of air am I
And debauchee of dew
Reeling, through endless summer days
From inns of molten blue" -Emily Dickinson
I find it incapable of feeling bad right now. Friends let you down, but you pick yourself up. I'm making the final push on my Shakespeare paper, as usual trying to write myself out of a hole that I myself have dug.
I took a great, long walk down an unmaintained road, passing through tunnels of green and into open spaces where I could see the collossal dark clouds that sparred with the sun for supremecy. The clouds won for an hour or so, but then the sun came back, undiminished luster thru the rain.
I got my trip pictures back today. If I can figure out how to get them online, I'll do so. If anyone knows what to do, e-mail me some suggestions.


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